How To Perform A Website Audit  


– even if you have no tech skills

Website audit for non-tech people

Website Audit

Perform a Website Audit

– all by yourself

There are so many things to look out for on a website to make it perform the most optimal way – depending on your desired wish for outcome.

Instead of hiring a tech wiz right now, why not give it a try yourself?

It’s free of course!

Headshot Cecilie

Hi there, my name is Cecilie.

I transform your tech fears into tech cheers! And I’m not just simplifying and demystifing tech; I’m empowering you to confidently navigate the digital world. 

Picture me as your friendly tech companion, adding a human touch to make tech relatable and enjoyable. My green-tech approach ensures I simplify while keeping the planet in mind.

I’m a mom to 3 children with diagnosis, I’m suffering from anxiety, depression and PTSD, and I’ve used these health issues as a springboard to success, instead of letting them push me down.

I’ve been self-employed, running different online businesses since 2009, and all of my learnings have created a path, where I now make a sustainable living from the comfort of my home. And website creation and development has been a part of my daily life since 2004, and because of that I have experienced the development of the online world first hand.

Websites is the main window of your business, and it can be scary to even think about editing anything in the backend of if, if you have no idea what you’re doing.

Website-tech isn’t something you should fear, but it can scare most of us, because the consequences of deleting something that shouldn’t be deleted can make a serious break for your business.


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Website Audit

Perform a Website Audit

– all by yourself

There are so many things to look out for on a website to make it perform the most optimal way – depending on your desired wish for outcome.

Instead of hiring a tech wiz right now, why not give it a try yourself?

It’s free of course!

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